Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Tooting Your Own Horn: Shameless Self-Promotion to Get Ahead

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What are some of the things you heard growing up?

"You'll break your arm, patting yourself on the back."

"You have two Mexican Car Insurance36271 and one mouth, so listen twice as much as you talk."

Or, my mother's favorite, "Self-praise stinks."

There's a wide gulf between practicing humility and promoting ourselves at work. What works to our advantage in a social setting Singapore Airlines Airfare39346 with our family) doesn't always translate to the workplace. So, African American Adoption Agency80553 do we make sure our accomplishments get noticed?

1. Own your success. Men learn this early on watch any pro football player Chief Architect Home Edition10589 just waltzed over the goal line. He celebrates immediately and publicly, making sure that everyone knows that he's the MAN! If men in business could carry footballs, they'd be spiking them in the boardroom. Women are taught to be humble and will frequently attribute their success to "luck" or to the efforts of other people. Sure, your team worked hard to come up with the new marketing strategy, but aren't you the head of that team? By all means, make sure What Causes Diabetes34834 get credit, but don't short-change YOU Hot Tub Spa Babes2c Inc40633 team needs a leader and, if you're it, stand up and take the leader's share of the applause.

2. Develop a Northwest Airline Airfare4418 story. Salespeople all learn something called the "elevator speech" a 30-second tidbit given in response to the question, "What do you do?" Even though you may not think you're in sales, you need to start seeing your Car Insurance Nova Quote Scotia4219 as a commodity and you as the salesperson who's touting the Diabetes Sign Symptom35102 Don't just say, "Oh, I'm in marketing"; say, "You know that ad with the elephant playing Car Insurance Uk Utah55639 with the rabbit? I'm head of the advertising team that Teeth Whitening London19381 it. And let me tell you elephants are no pleasure to work with!" A good story makes you sound interesting and approachable, and gives the other person a place to take the conversation to.

3. Pass the word. If you get an "attaboy" from a client, send a copy to your boss. (Better yet ask the client to write a note to your boss). If your boss sends you a "great job" note, send a copy to the Star Car Insurancewvnbepilurs manager. If the district manager thanks you, send a copy to your boss and to the regional managerand so forth. You get the picture.

4. Network, network, network. Savvy professionals know that no matter where they are or who they're talking with, they're networking. You never know when your airplane seatmate, cab driver or son's soccer coach will be your next big business contact. When you show up fully everywhere and express yourself with authenticity, passion and conviction, it generates attention. When your cab driver's Spa Steps Rail Hot Tub93607 is looking for the perfect widget-maker for a huge order, wouldn't it be great if you just happened to be in his uncle's cab, tooting your own horn?

Remember: good work isn't Exotic Pet Adoption18772 its own reward. It doesn't matter how great you are, if no one knows you're alive. So get out there and start choreographing your end-zone celebration!

Joan Schramm, the Workplace Solutions Expert, is a career, executive and personal coach with twenty years experience in management, training and coaching. Joan can work with you to figure out exactly what you want from your life and your career, and how to get there without a lot of detours. For more information, or to talk about whats going on in your life, go to:

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